
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


This was a doozy of a change, but we completely ripped out our old way of processing videos.
We even rewrote our clips editor a bit.
It still looks pretty similar but comes with
2 big benefits
  1. It will always render your clips
  2. It sets up the future of our clips features. More to come soon.
Thanks so much for your patience in this harrowing saga. I hope you find the platform more stable than it was!
We heard your feedback that inviting users to a team was clunky and took too many clicks and emails.
We've streamlined this whole process so you can be sure that you're invited members will have a nice experience.
✅ Invited team members are automatically dropped into the team dashboard. Before they saw their own personal team, which showed them pricing optinos.
✅ 1 button to accept an invitation, even if the user needs to create a new account
We've been grabbing the 720p versions of videos. Now we grab the 1080p versions.
You will see an improvement in the quality of your clips now!
We heard your feedback that our video processing was finicky. It took a long time, sometimes broke, and sometimes our clips wouldn't render.
We went back to the drawing board and redid our ENTIRE video processing pipeline. It was a big project but we ripped out our old stuff and inserted a shiny new robust video flow.
You'll see things faster across the board!
CleanShot 2024-05-24 at 14
Now you can add your Vimeo videos as easily as you can add your YouTube videos.
CleanShot 2024-05-24 at 14
We recently introduced a bug (1 week ago) where blog posts would generate in some weird fanciful language. Like the author was working for some big law firm or McKinsey.
We've fixed this issue and blogs are back to sounding like they were written in your own voice again. We have always tried to match the tone, vocabulary, and style of your video, and we're back to doing so!
Thanks to everyone that reported this bug!
We know this small little update should've happened ages ago. But we finally did it!
CleanShot 2024-04-19 at 14
We've integrated the latest and greatest AI: Claude 3 Opus.
Claude 3 Opus now writes the content we generate for you. We've found the content generated to be better than GPT-4 Turbo (even the latest April 2024 version).
You should see big improvements in:
  • Chapters
  • Tags
  • Tweets
We're exploring more ways to get this super AI intelligence across more things we generate!
Seems like we're getting new AIs every month! What a time!
We're making it easier to figure out what's happening in our AI generated clips.
  • NEW: We now generate an
    for what is happening in a clip
  • NEW: We've added a
    social media post
    for each clip so it's easier to know what to say when you share
  • IMPROVED: We've improved our
    score explanation
CleanShot 2024-04-13 at 13
CleanShot 2024-04-13 at 13
We realized our video menu is getting unwieldly and long. We've started grouping things together so that we can simplify the main menu.
CleanShot 2024-04-11 at 09
Here's the main changes:
  • YouTube
    is on the Dashboard
  • Subtitles
    are under Transcript
  • Translations
    are under Blog
You can see the submenu once you click into each section now:
CleanShot 2024-04-11 at 09
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